Abhishek Dutta
Assistant Professor
Office: ITE 347
Phone: (860) 486-2210
Email: abhishek.dutta@uconn.edu
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/uconn.edu/abhi
- Postdoc., Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016
- Ph.D., Electromechanical Engineering, Ghent University, 2014
- MSc., Informatics, University of Edinburgh, 2007
- MSc., Informatics, University of Trento, 2007
Research Interests:
Systems Medicine, Cybernetics, Robotics, Controls, Learning
Academic Experience:
- Junior Member, Wolfson College Cambridge, 2014
- Research Assistant, Technical University Munich, 2009
- Research Scholar, Nanyang Technological University, 2008
- AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar, 2022 (AMiner Award – Rank 40 in Multimedia)
- Informatics Prize for Outstanding Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2007
Invited Talks:
- World Antiviral Congress, San Diego 2022 (on Optimized Antiviral Therapy)
- Bosch Center, Indian Institute of Science 2018 (on Control and Neuroscience)
- Aerospace & Ocean Engineering, Virginia Tech 2016 (on Security of CPS)
Selected Publications
Journal Articles:
- Dutta, A. “COVID-19 Waves: Variant Dynamics and Control”. Scientific Reports, Nature Portfolio, 12(1), pp 1-9 2022.
- Dutta, A. “Optimizing Antiviral Therapy for COVID-19 with Learned Pathogenic Model”. Scientific Reports, Nature Portfolio, 12(1), pp.1-9, 2022.
- Dutta, A. “Robust Design of a Multirotor Aerial Vehicle”. Scientific Reports, Nature Portfolio, 11(1), pp.1-13, 2021.
- Yue, R., Dutta, A. “Computational Systems Biology in Disease Modeling and Control, Review and Perspectives”. Nature Partner Journal Systems Biology and Applications, DOI: 10.21203/3.rs-578017, 2022.
- Corwel C, Zoghbi G, Webb S, Dutta A. “Design and Control of an Underwater Launch System”. IEEE Access Vol 8 pp 38633-49, Feb 2020.
Conference Proceedings:
- Dutta A. “Predicting Drug Mechanics by Deep Learning on Gene and Cell Activities”. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Glasgow, pp 1-4, July 2022.
- Dutta A. “Deep graph Generation of Small Molecules Guided by Drug-Likeness”. IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Ottawa, pp 1-2, August 2022.
- Dutta A. “Stabilizing COVID-19 Infections in US by Feedback Control based Test and Quarantine”. IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, Seattle, pp 1-6, Oct 2020.
- Dutta A. “Cyborgs: Neuromuscular Control of Insects”. Proceedings of the 9th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, pp. 682-685, San Francisco 2019.
- Dutta A., Hartley E., Maciejowski J., DeKeyser R. “Certification of a class of industrial predictive controllers without terminal conditions”. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control. California, LA, USA; 2014. p. 6695-6700.