The Husky Robotics Invitational (HRI) will take place June 17, 2023 at UConn, in McHugh Hall. HRI is a First Tech Challenge (FTC) competition co-sponsored by the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ECE) and FTC Team 16008, The Armored Artemises. ECE and the Armored Artemises invite FTC teams to participate in this off-season event, explore the UConn and learn more about the new Robotics undergraduate program, plus scholarships for First alumni!
Learn more about the Husky Robotics Invitational and The Armored Artemises.
Learn more about the FIRST Robotics Scholarship for First-Year Engineering Students 2023-2024 Cohort.
Right: The Armored Artermises team.
The Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (REU) provides students with 10 weeks of hands-on, research intensive experience on campus. Students will be immersed as part of a multidisciplinary REU community consisting of several programs in science and engineering. The research program will be accompanied by seminars and a social program. Each student prepares a scientific poster of their research for presentation at an on campus REU symposium. The program runs from the end of May through early August.
Learn more about the REU program for Electrical &Computer Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering.
Learn more about the REU program at the Center for Clean Energy Engineering.
Right: Professor Omer Khan's Summer 2023 REU cohort. This research focuses computer systems security and trustable computing systems.
Also, The REU students from Prof. Helena Silva and Ali Gokirmak's Nanotech Lab created a video of their experience working on measurements of thin film. Enjoy watching by snapping the QR code.
The Pre-College Summer Program (PCS) provides students an engaging experience with University faculty and staff so that they may gain a better understanding of college work and life.
For Summer 2023, the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department offered a Pre-College summer program in Robotics Engineering. The course involved interactive group sessions, video lectures, interacting with real world robots, and hands-on programming.
Learn more about the UConn Pre-College Summer Program.
Upper Right: Robotics Engineering Pre-College Summer students alongside mentor Prof. Abhishek Dutta, and John Chandy, Department Head.
Lower Right: High school students who participated in the program assembled a mobile robot involving components such as a microcontroller, sensors, display, and battery with the base motors. They learned to modify and download micro python codes to the robot and run them to perform object-following using ultrasound sensors, as well as line-following using infrared sensors and PID controls. The program finished with a leader-follower formation control competition.
The DaVinci Project The DaVinci Program aims to help teachers of grades 5-12 integrate elemental engineering into the classroom. The program offers workshops geared toward math, science and technology. Prof. Shalabh Gupta hosted teachers for a program on Innovative Underwater Robotics for STEM Projects.
Learn more about the UConn DaVinci Project.
Right: Participants learned about the operation of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), as well as their sensing capabilities, by working on a 3D underwater simulator where they ran various realistic AUVs. They also built and tested simple underwater vehicles. Exercises such as these can help teachers bring the concept of sonars to the classroom in addition to topics of buoyancy, propulsion, depth measurement and attenuation of light.