Awards/Honors 2024-2025

The UConn ECE Department is now ranked 35th nationally in the 2024 ranking of top universities in the field of Electronics and Electrical Engineering.

Faculty Honors and Awards

Prof. Ali Bazzi has been appointed as the Madonna Chair in Power Engineering, and was featured in a Hartford Courant article on solar panel energy.

Assistant Prof. Junbo Zhao received several awards and recognitions such as:

  • Two Technical Committee Working Group Awards for IEEE Power and Energy Society
  • Highly cited paper by Web of Science for  “Physics-Informed Graphical Representation-Enabled Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robust Distribution System Voltage Control” 
  • Received the IEEE CT Section Outstanding Early Career Academic Member Award 
  • Became Fellow of IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) 
  • Named an Early-Career Research Fellow by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
  • Received NSF Career Award
  • Named Best Associate Editor for International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

Professor Emeritus Matt Mashikian and his wife Margarethe have made a gift for an endowed fund to support the newly named “Matthew and Margarethe Mashikian Entrepreneurship Hub” in the College of Engineering.  Dr. Mashikian was a faculty member in the ESE department from 1983 to his retirement in 1997.  He founded IMCORP, a technology leader in underground power cable life cycle condition assessment and performance.

Yaakov Bar-Shalom gave the Virtual AESS Distinguished Lecture “Maximum Likelihood Identification of Stochastic Models of Inertial Sensors: Wiener and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes with their CRLB” for the AESS Education Committee



Prof. Peter Willett was awarded the 2024 Yaakov Bar-Shalom Award for a Lifetime of Excellence in Information Fusion by the International Society of Information Fusion.




Prof. Zongjie Wang
won the Connecticut Women of Innovation Award from the Connecticut Technology Council, and was interviewed on the “Good Morning Connecticut” news show. She has also earned a Rising Star Award from the CT Power and Energy Society.



Several ECE Faculty were recognized in a study by Stanford as being in the top 2% of scientists, including Dr. Bansal, Dr. Bar-Shalom, Dr. Bazzi, Dr. Javidi, Dr. Katsouleas, Dr. Pattipati, Dr. Willett, Dr. Zhao, Dr. Zhou, and Dr. Cao. The Stanford rankings evaluate over 6 million researchers globally, identifying the top 100,000 based on career-long or single-year outputs in 22 scientific fields and 174 subfields. Congratulations to all!.

Graduate Student Awards


Leila Chebbo won the diversity award from Dominion Energy during her summer internship. This award recognizes interns with high academic achievements and who actively promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.




Graduate students Yansong Pei, Alaa Selim, and Bendong Tan, all advised by Junbo Zhao, were selected as finalists in the 3-minute PhD dissertation competition at the 2025 Grid Edge Technologies Conference.

Graduate student Umar Salman, advised by Zongjie Wang, was selected to join the 2024 Clean Energy & Sustainability  Innovation Program.  In addition, he, and his colleague Jacckine Okoye from Columbia University formed a Clean Utilities for Affordable Housing team that was selected by the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance as the top team in the East and Southern Africa region for 2024.

Kevin Lindstrom has been awarded a Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) Graduate Research Grant.

Alaa Selim and Soroush Vahedi were awarded the Entrepreneurship Fellowship from the CoE Entrepreneurship hub.

Alaa Selim, Souroush Vahedi, Haoyi Wang and Jinxian Zhang were selected for the DOE ARPA-E Summit Student Program.



Alaa Selim received the IEEE PES Grid Edge conference PhD Dissertation Award.




The IEEE PELS & PES Student Chapter at UConn received the best medium sized student chapter award, which is on a GLOBAL scale.

Mohamadamin Rajabinhezad was selected as a winner of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Students and Young Professionals Paper Assistance Award for the IECON’24 conference.

The Clean Energy Summit at UConn featured several ECE students

Left photo:ECE students Alaa Selim (speaking), Soroush Vahedi (at podium) and teammate Morteza Azizi from CEE presented their ideas at the summit. Right photo: ECE student Umar Salman (at podium) and his teammates Binit Gautam, CEE, and Charitarth Chugh, Math and Statistics also delivered presentations. 







Undergraduate Student Awards

Nick Martins has successfully won the “Runner-Up Undergraduate Presentation” at the 2024 North American Power Symposium.

Spring 2024’s senior design team 2415, Hritish Bhargava and Samuel Gresh, advised by Susan Zuo, not only won 1st place in the ECE senior design competition, but also won 1st place at the Draper Labs Capstone Symposium and the PW-IASE Capstone Competition for their project titled “Robotic Perception Sensor Characterization Platform.”


Alaa Selim Sikorsky Fellowship
Benjamin Brown Peter Willett Fellowship
Qian Yang   Vijaya Raghavan Fellowship-Summer
Kalinath Katuri Eversource Fellowship
Shengqi Yuan Eversource Fellowship
Haoyi Wang Eversource Fellowship
Shaya Abou Jawdeh Eversource Fellowship
Yingyi Tang GE Next Generation Fellowship
Bendong Tan Summer Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Gokul Krishnan Summer Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Kashif Usmani Summer Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Zijiao Tian Summer Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Kalinath Katuri Eversource Fellowship
Mohamadamin Rajabinezahd Synchrony Fellowship
Ayah Abdallah P&W Fellowship
Gokul Krishnan SPIE Optics and Photonic Scholarship
Alaa Selim Entrepreneurship Fellowship
Soroush Vahedi Entrepreneurship Fellowship
Anna Kelly Vijaya Raghavan Fellowship-Spring

TA Awards

Fall 2024 N/A
Spring 2025


Alumni Awards


Previous Years’ Awards







