Course Syllabi with Student Outcomes

ECE 1101: ECE Tools ENGR 1166: Foundations of Engineering
ECE 2000: ECE Principles ECE 2001: Electrical Circuits
ECE 3001: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves ECE 3101: Signals and Systems
ECE 3111: Systems Analysis and Design ECE 3161: Introduction to Robotics
ECE 3201: Electronic Circuit Design and Analysis ECE 3211: Power Electronics
ECE 3212: Electric Machines and Drives ECE 3221: Digital Integrated Circuits
ECE 3223: Optical Engineering ECE 3225: Optical Engineering Laboratory
ECE 3231: Introduction to Modern Power Systems ECE 3401: Digital Systems Design
ECE 3411: Microprocessor Application Laboratory ECE 3421: VLSI Design and Simulation
ECE 4099W: Communicating Engineering Solutions ECE 4111: Communication Systems
ECE 4112: Digital Communications and Networks ECE 4114: Software Defined Radio Design Lab
ECE 4121: Digital Control Systems ECE 4122: Systems Laboratory
ECE 4131: An Introduction to DSP ECE 4132: Information Processing System Lab
ECE 4141: Introduction to RF/MW Wireless Systems ECE 4201: Electronic Circuits and Applications
ECE 4211: Semiconductor Devices and Nanostructues ECE 4223: Nanophotonics
ECE 4225: Electron Device Design and Characterization ECE 4242: Micro/Opto Device Fabrication Lab
ECE 4243/ENGR 4243: Nanotechnology-I ECE 4244/ENGR 4244: Nanotechnology II
ECE 4261 Introduction to Memory Device ECE 4401/CSE 3350: Digital Design Laboratory
ECE 4451: Hardware Security and Trust ECE 4901: ECE Senior Design I
ECE 4902: Senior Design II