UConn IEEE Graduate Chapter


Announcement: A New Chapter of IEEE!

IEEE Systems Control Student Branch 

The chapter advisor is Professor Pattipati and co-advisor is Professor Zuo

President - Efi Safikou

Vice President - Daniel Kloyzner

Treasurer - Ayah Abdallah

Secretary - Clara Ramirez

Advisor(s) - Dr. Krishna Pattipati / Dr. Shan 'Susan' Zuo

The Systems Control group met with IEEE CT section to introduce the new chapter at UConn received $500 in funding.


Power Electronics Society (PELS) & Power and Energy society (PES) Branch

Faculty Advisors: Ali Bazzi / Zongjie Wang

President - Leila Chebbo

Vice President - Alaa Selim

The CT Chapter of IEEE PES has been designated a 2023 High Performing Chapter!

In 2024, the IEEE PELS & PES Student Chapter at UConn received the best medium sized student chapter award, which is on a GLOBAL scale.

Explore IEEE


A new IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) & Power and Energy society (PES) joint student branch chapter has been established at University of Connecticut as a part of IEEE R1 within Connecticut section.


The chapter has organized:

  • events including PELS day, IEEE day, Poster competitions, fall celebrations
  • invited technical talks and professional development lectures
  • general body meetings and  E-board meetings

and has plans for many events for each semester!

 Poster Competition winner Yen-Che Hsiao.

2023 ECE & IEEE Poster Competition contestant Abdulrahman Husawi.

2023 ECE & IEEE Poster Competition contestant Tashfiq Kashem.

2023 ECE & IEEE Poster Competition contestant Aalvee Kausani.